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  • AutorenbildDr. Julia-Sophie Ezinger


The pandemic has forced many global companies to embrace remote working, and many organisations were perplexed about whether this would be successful. Nonetheless, many businesses and companies realise that remote work from anywhere is actually amazing, and employees are just as efficient as working from an office.

After the lockdown concluded, many organisations asked their employees to return to the office, but others embraced remote working. But why should companies really enable remote work? Here are some of the basics.


Remote working leads to more loyal employees. This might be a bold statement, but the truth is that employees hold the power at the moment. At the slightest indication of discomfort employees are absolutely willing to change jobs. Many companies we talk to still do not believe this is happening and that the market for talent is changing even quicker than it has been before. We are not going to calculate the loss of talent for you here, you know how expensive it is to lose and find new talents. Therefore, talent retention is really the major benefit of remote working and maybe the best reason why organizations should enable remote working.


Closely connected to talent retention is the actual search for talent. With remote working, a job or task can be easily done anywhere, and employers don’t need to worry about their employee’s physical location. That is a great thing as many employees miss out on talented employees only because they don’t live in the same city as the company’s office. Nevertheless, it wouldn’t be an issue if a business permits remote working.


Working from anywhere leads to improved productivity and performance. (Although Elon might challenge us on this statement 🙃 ). It has been demonstrated that over eighty per cent of global organisations noticed an increase in their work productivity after providing their employees with workplace flexibility options.

However, for us one thing is crystal clear: Remote work means fewer office politics, fewer interruptions, and a quiet environment that results in enhanced performance.

Remote work from a nice place of their choosing only leads to even more focus on performance and time management: Finishing tasks early means more free time to pursue other things. And please don't argue: Well but what about the quality of the performed tasks. I don't have to tell you that annoyed bosses are time consuming as well, right?


Stating the obvious here. It results in healthier and happier lives. It has been found that remote workers are happier than those working in the office. And whoever you are, you know that live is always better at the beach, the mountains or the woods. But the most important thing: Giving employees the chance to decide for themselves gives them flexibility and a feeling of self-determination. And who wouldn't be happier when trusted to know best how and where to do their job?

Remote workers and digital nomads enable virtual workplaces to exist from personal homes, parks, libraries, and coffee shops. Anywhere with an internet connection and quiet working area is a good potential workstation for people working outside the standard office space. While some organisations are still hesitant to make the switch, data shows those decisions are detrimental to their employees’ morale, turnover rate, workplace culture, and bottom line. Changing into a company that embraces the transforming workspace is a win-win situation for everyone involved. Remote work trends are currently on the rise, and remote organisations are the future of the job market. Organisations that embrace that change can attract talented people who like to have more control over their lives while doing quality work.

The benefits of enabling employees to work remotely from anywhere are bigger than the potential risks a company is facing (tax, social security, employment law). That’s especially true when this risk can be checked and tracked in advance with rhome.

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